to guide you
Why Hong Kong?
Before Incorp.
Day of Incorp.
First Year Arrangement
Annual Renewal
Subsequent Changes
Accounting, Auditing and Tax Matters
Doing Business in Hong Kong
Why Hong Kong?
Before Incorp/
01 Top notch location worldwide
02 Simple to setup
Ranked world top location for business (HERE)
Gateway to doing business in China and prime offshore RMB center
Excellent legal and tax framework with government stability
Fourth largest stock market in Asia, great place for investment or find your angel investors or even go for listing
Access to diversified talents, matured infrastructure, and transportation hub of Asia
Well-known trading, importing, and exporting center because its duty-free status for most commodities, even for most of the wine and food products
At least 1 Individual Director,
Sole Shareholder can act as sole Director
Minimum with 1 share (Wholly owned)
NO nationality restriction on Director and Shareholder
NO local Director requirement
NO physical presence in Hong Kong
E-registration in 1 working day (without corporate Director / Shareholder)
Or by paper submission in 7 working days for those with corporate Director / Shareholder
03 Simple, low
and straight forward
tax system
Territorial tax system
No capital gain tax
No sales tax, GST or VAT
No dividend tax
ONLY 16.5% on net profit (assessable profit)
AND 8.25% on first HKD2 million from 2018/2019 onwards
Multiple deductibles arrangement
Generally, all outgoings and expenses are deductibles
Expenditure on Building refurbishment, Plant and machinery, Environmental protection Facilities
Depreciation allowances
Donations up to 35% of assessable profit
04 Full of resources
and supports
Links to List of Chamber of Commerce and Consulate General in HK
InvestHK provides free advisory service to setup business in HK (About InvestHK)
HKTDC China Business Advisory service (HERE)
HKSTP Incubation Programme (HERE)
Day of Incorporation
First Year Arrangement
01 CatcherBiz as
your agent
CatcherBiz can provides further assistance on
Submission of IRBR200 to report commence of business to tax department
Renting your office in Hong Kong
Hiring your first staff in Hong Kong
Apply for necessary working VISA
Any other local issues that you need assistance on
02 Ready to setup
the company
CatcherBiz can assists you to set up the corporate bank
We will assist in all compliance and due diligence requirements of the bank, including
KYC (Know Your Customer)
AML (Anti-Money Laundering)
CRS (Common Reporting System)
FATCA (The Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act - USA)
AEOI (Automatic Exchange of Tax Information)
We will guide you through the difficult bank account process, especially start-up business, still able to do so if well-prepared with sufficient business proof
03 Let's kick-off
04 Open a Bank
CatcherBiz can provides
One stop HK company setup and maintenance
Accounting and Auditing
Bank account opening
Certified true copy / Translation of corporate documents by HKICS member (Chartered Secretary) (HERE)
Notary Public / Apostille / Legalization by HK lawyer
Liaison point in HK of all sorts of government application, VISA, MPF, employment insurance, office rental matters ... etc.
Further readings
Send us by email
Preferred Company name
Scan copy of your passport and address proof
Company Structure and KYC
Annual Renewal
Around the 18-22mths to receive
first Profit Tax Return (PTR) ;
need to return to Inland Revenue
Department (IRD) within 1 month;
01 Reminder
Receive reminder email from CatcherBiz
Cross-check of any changes of company structure / information during the year
Passport number
Residential address
Contact information
Shareholder(s) / Director(s)
Arrange payment
EXIT procedure if business value dropped
the 10th or 11th month

02 Annual Renewal
NAR1 (Annual Return)
BR (Business Registration)
IRBR200 (Notice of commencement of business) (if applicable )
Reminder on Accounting, Auditing and Profit Tax Return (PTR) filing arrangement
the 12th month
Anniversary Date
late 30 days
BR penalty HKD300
late 42 days
NAR penalty HKD870
late 3 months
NAR penalty HKD1,740
03 Audited Report
Decided your first accounting reference day. Usually
31st March; or
31st December
Ready with your accounting report covering from date of commencement of business to the end of the accounting period
the 18th month
the 21st month
04 Annual General Meeting
late 6 months
NAR penalty HKD2,610
late 9 months
NAR penalty HKD3,480

Within 9 months after First Anniversary ; or
3 months after the end of the accounting reference period;
whichever is later
For members to approve
Audited Financial Statements
Reappointment of Director (if retirement applicable)
Director(s) remunerations
Reappointment of Auditors and remunerations

03 Change of
Company Name
Subsequent Changes
01 Change of
02 Change of Shareholder
Be reminded about potential needs on update of Significant Controllers Register
Need to order new Company Chop and Seal?? Know something about Green Box & Common Seal of Hong Kong Company
NNC2 - Notice of Change of Company Name (mandatory) (HERE)
04 Amendment of Articles of Association
05 Change of
Registered Office Address
Accounting, Auditing and Tax Matters
01 Hong Kong Tax Framework
Simple tax structure, no VAT, no GST, no capital gain tax, no global income tax
Two-tiered rates of 8.25% on first HKD2mil net profit, thereafter 16.5%
Most of operation expenses are deductibles to further reduce tax burden
Business losses can carry forward to off-set coming years profits
Practical arrangements
Basis period normally 31 Mar (year-end adopted by HK government as well), or 31 Dec, where is the year-end of PRC companies
Always allow good time in advance for certain adjustment and planning to utilize all legitimate deductibles allowed
02 Employer’s
Return (ER)
Around April / May each year to complete the yearly return
Even you do not hire any employee / no business being commenced
Further obligations when you have hiring
Lodge ER within 3 mths with NEW employment, change of terms, termination, and at time of leaving Hong Kong
Payroll, Employment contract, MPF and personal particulars records shall be maintained for at least 7 years
Heavy penalties and even prosecution will be imposed if failure to comply
03 Profit Tax
Return (PTR)
First PTR – 18-22 mths after incorporation with 3 mths to complete
Thereafter, issue around the end of accounting period, and reply within 1 mth
MUST reply even pending to commence business
Further obligations when you have commenced business
Submit the PTR with latest audited report in advance / together
Business records (invoices / quotations / contracts / agreements) shall be maintained for at least 7 years
Heavy penalties and even prosecution will be imposed if failure to comply
04 Tax planning
Tax planning often a reason to setup
Tax Residency Certificate to enjoy certain double tax reliefs
Investment vehicle as no additional capital gain tax
Partial off-shore claims for income derived outside Hong Kong
Holding royalties income
Inter-group currency exchange hub for international MNC
Saving of stamp duty of share transfer by offshore structure
Need to closely observe the development in AEOI, BES, CRS, FATCA and any other international (worldwide) tax regime carefully to avoid suspicious tax avoidance / evasion crime
Doing Business in Hong Kong
01 Common Use of Hong Kong Company
Investment Vehicle (no capital gain tax in Hong Kong)
Holding company (such as WFOE in China)
Liaison and Sourcing office for import-export or re-export office
Asia market head quarter (great transportation to China and elsewhere)
Asset protection (Excellent legal system)
Royalty (Payments are deductible for profits tax purpose)
02 Major Operating Costs in Hong Kong
Office Rental
Staff Cost
Employee Insurance
Subsidies for secondment
Profit Tax
Company maintenance fee (renewal, accounting and auditing fees)
Cost of living in Hong Kong for budgeting
03 Gateway to
China Opportunities
Easier to arrange corporate documents on setting up of WFOE (Wholly Foreign-Owned Enterprise) in China (Need relevant documents in Chinese)
Often with incentives and favorable policies exclusive for Hong Kong (CEPA, Double tax relief, Fintech –Qianhai, IT Research, Bay-area development … etc)
Feasibility analysis (Hong Kong often as trend leader of China)
Trial for market acceptance test (lower investment barrier compare to China with more freedom on business nature)
Also to predict the China market growth potential before heavy investment commitment
Something Missing?
Any topic you can't find in this page?
Not a problem, simply drop your enquiry to
and we will get back to you very soon!!