Doing Business in Hong Kong
2020 Definitive Guide
This is a Definitive Guide on Doing Business in Hong Kong 2020. In this guide, you will find resources and useful information on HOW to do business in Hong Kong with Company Registry, Business Registry links, Benefits, and Risks of Doing Business in Hong Kong for your business plan and business feasibility report, then follow up with Cost of Setting Up a Company in Hong Kong, Business Culture, Etiquette, and other essential tips for you to have a successful start here in Hong Kong.
We will keep updating this Definitive Guide on Doing Business in Hong Kong. To ensure you receive the most updated information, remember to follow us – simply send us an email at catcherbiz@outlook.com, this time, we are giving away a 100% FREE copy of this Definitive Guide enabling you a good benchmark to finalize your best location in commencing your business.
How to use this Definitive Guide?
If you have a business in mind, or you are an MNC thinking of expanding your Asia presence, very simple, select FIVE (5) key reasons (topics) that catch your eyes most and compare them with any other potential location (jurisdiction) - for example - Singapore to see which one is a better choice for you to commence your business; or
if you are planning in becoming an entrepreneur and searching for business ideas that are the best suit with your skills, professional knowledge, networks, and talents; you can take a look with our blog post on "What are the Hot Businesses to start-up in Hong Kong in 2019" first, and obtain some insights to come up with a promising business proposal to build-up further
You should be ending with a sound business plan or feasibility report on your hand and ready to launch your business. Of course, during the process, if you have any question in mind or need a hand on starting your business in Hong Kong, feel free to drop us an email at catcherbiz@outlook.com for further assistance
Under the increasing concerns of Doing Business in Hong Kong, especially for start-up businesses, we have prepared an exclusive review on the impact to Hong Kong in relation US-China Trade War and the Prolonged Protest in Hong Kong:
16 Reasons Why you should doing business in Hong Kong
Easy to start up your Business (Set Up a Private Limited Company in Hong Kong)
Low Tax jurisdiction - enabling start-up business in Hong Kong
Why is Hong Kong a Good Place to Do Business?
This is an extended version of the answer from Quora on the same-titled question:
First thing first, according to the findings of the report by Wall Street Journal, World Economic Forum and World Bank Group; Hong Kong remains Top 10 in overall rankings among economies around the world, for detail, please see our blog post on 2019 Remains in Top Ranks - Doing Business in Hong Kong (Again, we will update this post periodically once new report was released, so, subscribe with us is important)
Another research report you must take a look is the one issued by HKTDC in relation to Economic and Trade Information on Hong Kong, we also extracted some of the important figures and graphic into this Definitive Guide to help you understand better about the business environment and atmosphere here in Hong Kong.
1) Easy to start up your Business (Set Up a Private Limited Company in Hong Kong)
100% true foreign-owned company - NO local Director / Shareholder requirements (Where Singapore Company has Local Residency Director Requirement);
100% remote company set up is possible;
E-Registry in One (1) Day; and Paper Submission in Seven (7) Days for incorporation;
NO (Low) capital requirement, HKD1.00 in 1 share is enough
NO physical office (establishment) required as well;
NO pre-approval by a government authority is required in setting up a company;
Specific business requires top-up licensing after incorporation;
We have another Definitive Guide on Company Set Up here: https://www.catcherbiz.com.hk/company-set-up-in-hong-kong
2) Low Tax jurisdiction - enabling start-up business in Hong Kong
Corporate Tax Rate (Profit Tax) at 8.25% on first HKD2mil assessable profit, thereafter just only 16.5% flat rate. Where China is 25%, and Singapore is 17% (Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_tax_rates)
Then, the Tax Scheme is simple and straight forward, there is NO
Sales Tax
Capital Gain Tax
Dividend Tax
Withholding Tax
Furthermore, tones of Deductible Expenses allowing a company to lower the effective tax amount - Generally, all outgoings and expenses, to the extent to which they have been incurred by the taxpayer in the production of chargeable profits, are allowed as deductions. Reference can be made to section 16 of the I.R.O. (Source: https://www.ird.gov.hk/eng/tax/bus_pft.htm#a06)
In addition, there are reducing profits tax, salaries tax measures up-coming
“The Financial Secretary proposed a one-off reduction of profits tax, salaries tax and tax under personal assessment for the year of assessment 2018/19 by 75%, subject to a ceiling of $20,000 per case.” (Source: https://www.ird.gov.hk/eng/tax/budget.htm) -
As this is a simple example, for you to know low tax actually doing business in Hong Kong of a typical trading company

Correct, that’s the calculation from an actual case of HKD9.3 million income trading business. From this figure, you can tell most of the businesses at the beginning years have zero (0) tax to pay in Hong Kong, and all the profits reserved enabling our customers growing and expanding in a shorter period of time. And remember, all these are legitimate arrangement here in Hong Kong, no tax evasion, no difficult tax planning or special application with the government in advance, and you can keep focusing in your Hong Kong business
Important advice, for facilitating health business growth, instead of thinking about how to pay zero (0) tax, it is always better to pay good tax so that incoming future, you can have a better figure for a good borrowing power
3) Freedom in Doing Business
Freedom is the key of business survival, especially for start-up enterprise, and the increasingly volatile political environment between countries; you want to shift easily for quick fever items and investments without any constraint from the government authorities and before the heat have gone;
A company can perform multiple businesses at the same time, Trading, Investment, Restaurant, anything that you find profitable
Free flow of capital without restriction as soon as the money is clear and for a legitimate purpose;
Business Freedom is most important, you are not restricted by the government on how you do your business, you are free to hire anyone, fire anyone, choose office anywhere you like, even close your business any time you want to exit and get all your money back freely;
Allow me to recap that Hong Kong ranked #1 in 2019 Index of Economic Freedom, and having a score of 96.40 over 100 in Business Freedom, where even Singapore only scored 90.80 instead;
And therefore, it is especially suitable for Digital Nomads and Freelancer that using Hong Kong company to best utilize their skills and maximize the business opportunities available with just one single company to minimize the maintenance expenses;
4) World-Class Banking System
Hong Kong ranked the 3rd among 102 world financial centers, and Number One (1) among Asia Region as per 2019 The Global Financial Centres Index 25 (Source: https://www.longfinance.net/media/documents/GFCI_25_Report.pdf)

Safe is the most important factor when you choose a bank for your business, where Hong Kong also facilitate you with the top bank you need as per report finding of Global Finance (Source: https://www.gfmag.com/magazine/november-2018/safest-banks-by-country), where Hang Seng Bank with a score of 20, just one mark below the safest bank in US - AgriBank

The reason that the banks in Hong Kong are safe, mainly is because the liquidity (ability to meet payment obligations as they fall due) is extremely high, as per the latest Press Release by HKMA on 8 April 2019, that the official foreign currency reserve assets of Hong Kong amounted to US$437.9 billion as at the end of March 2019 and keep increasing (Source: https://www.hkma.gov.hk/eng/key-information/press-releases/2019/20190408-3.shtml)
Most of all, a Multi-currency account (AUD, CAD, CHF, DKK, EUR, GBP, HKD, JPY, NOK, NZD, SEK, SGD, RMB, and USD) in facilitating your China, Asia or International Business, for example in DBS
(Source: https://www.dbs.com.hk/corporate/cash/cash-and-accounts/business-account) -
Virtual Banking is coming. On early May 2019, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority announced to issue the first 8 Virtual Banking Licenses (Source: https://fintechnews.hk/8951/virtual-banking/hkma-virtual-bank-license-sc-digital-livi-zhongan-za/) and expecting to launch their services in 2020
Banking and other Banking Alternatives are also very popular in Hong Kong with efficient and high-quality services as well
5) Capturing Funds from China and Investors around the World
Below are some examples of Angel Investor Platform/Program in Hong Kong, where there are multiple investors behind:
If you have great confidence in your product, yet, need more time in development and guidance on the management, administration of the business, we will suggest you join the HKSTP (Hong Kong Science & Technology Parks) angel investment matching program: https://www.hkstp.org/en/how-we-serve/investment/angel-investment-matching/
The Banks. As the competition of banking and financial industry is huge, further that, the liquidity of the Hong Kong economy is strong, the interest rate in Hong Kong is low while banks are happy to invest in a promising business, even it is a start-up. Below an example of Bank of China in Hong Kong is one of the Small Business Loans available where similar products are also available in other banks in Hong Kong. Such that if you have a strong potential business, and you need to prepare the prototype before you can present to Angel Investor, then, the bank could be a great choice to have the HKD1-2 million at the beginning:

Cloudfunding in Hong Kong is not too popular because of the respective high administrative fee (~5%), therefore, less attractive than the traditional way (Bank, Government Support, Angel Investors), where this is also easy to achieve, below are some popular platforms for your reference as well
FringeBacker:- https://www.fringebacker.com/en/
Umadx:- https://www.umadx.com/
Kickstarter:- https://www.kickstarter.com/
GoGetFunding:- https://gogetfunding.com/campaigns/?country=hk
Gofundme:- https://www.gofundme.com/
In addition, you can always set up your Hong Kong company and find your Angel Investors. Not sure how to achieve that? Here you go, "The Ultimate Guide to Angel Investing" is exactly what you need!!
6) Business Friendly with High Efficiency
Hong Kong is a small city. To stand out around the globe, we need to shine with something impressive, and that’s our Fast Pace and High Efficiency;
English and Chinese (Traditional Chinese) are mainly used in Doing Business in Hong Kong, where both are the official languages of Hong Kong that could be used in any contract, agreement for business use;
Most of the government application forms, websites and important documents are available in both Chinese and English, so, you don’t need to worry about any language barrier in starting your business in Hong Kong;
Most of the Countries have their Chamber of Commerce established here in Hong Kong, such that if you plan to start your business in Hong Kong, you may further check with them and seek for relevant assistance:
https://www.catcherbiz.com.hk/post/2016/12/18/hong-kong-chamber-of-commerce -
Business enabling services are commonly available with standard and efficiency with the Consulate General of your country
Passport and VISA matters
Attestation of Documents
Translation of Documents
Useful links and resources to live in Hong Kong
Introduction to the Local Communities
7) Friendly Business Culture and Etiquette
Hong Kong is where East Meets West. We happily digested all cultures and etiquette from different nations, forming our unique way of doing business in welcoming and respecting one another
To highlight with, there are quite some differences between Hong Kong and Mainland China in terms of Business Culture and Etiquette
In general, Hongkongers are nice, police, and respectful to on another, you won't feel like a stranger even this is the first time you visit Hong Kong
We have prepared a blog post on "Business Culture and Etiquette - Doing Business in Hong Kong" illustrating some tips and practices on topics about
How to Bargain in Hong Kong
What is the communication style of Doing Business in Hong Kong?
What should you do when the time of the initial greeting at business meeting in Hong Kong?
What is the Dress Etiquette on Doing Business in Hong Kong
What gifts should I present for my business partner in Hong Kong
What is the Business Etiquette of Dining, Drinking and Meal Events in Hong Kong
Hong Kong is the Food Paradise, you can always find your culture food as spotlight to get a closer relationship with your business partner in Hong Kong
8) Trusted Image in Doing Business
The legal system of Hong Kong is based on the British Common Law System, Rule of Law is the principle and the heart of Hong Kong’s system, everyone, local or foreigner will be treated the same, fairly for your rights
Contract signed here is enforceable, and just in case of any dispute, there are different channels of dispute resolution:
Same in return, let’s say you are dealing with Asia Business Partner, for example, a China Supplier, if you are using a Hong Kong Company, the supplier will certainly feel more comfortable and safer instead of a company elsewhere that they are unable to reach in case of payment default
Because of the great reputation of Doing Business in Hong Kong among the world, this is also popular for foreigners to use Hong Kong company as the second identity for International Expansion or towards the Asia Market, including China;
Company Search is publicly available, where when you are doing business with any new customers, you can provide relevant proof to create a transparent image for engagement
Business and trading insurance are common in Hong Kong with a low premium rate to protect you on one side, while giving a trusted image to your customer is the benefit of the other side
9) Clean Government
No bribery, Corruption-free Government
You don’t need to pay any hidden fee to get your work done, where everyone has a fair and transparent arrangement
http://www.clic.org.hk/en/topics/civilCase/start_civil_action/q2.shtml -
If you have any potential misbehaviors, there are independent government commissions to help you for the justices:
ICAC:- https://www.icac.org.hk/en/rc/channel/index.html -
Competition Commission:-
10) Gateway for China Business + Stepping Stone
English and Chinese are the official languages of Hong Kong, and therefore, allowing you to prepare any important contract, agreement in both languages for you to engage with a business partner in China without losing the control of the content the terms and conditions;
RMB(CNY) can be Freely and Unlimited remitting in-out China Region, and you can convert the currency into HKD, USD, EUR without easily without any restriction;
A testing platform before entering China Market
China Market is big and with huge potential, yet, its barrier to enter the market is high as well, for example, huge Initial Capital Requirement, Language Barrier with Government Authorities, Culture Difference in Mainland and Not Sure if Customers will accept your product, Restriction on certain “protected business”, Catalogue of Industries for Guiding Foreign Investment (ENG) (2017 Revised Version), etc.;
If your first step already onto China, then, it may cost you much on both Time and Money, while eventually unable to escape or shift to business and resulting total lost;
Because Hong Kong is one of the cities of China but under One-Country-Two-Systems, most of the successful brands will set up stores in Hong Kong first, and if it gets a big heat, expanding to China for the super success, just like below real example of “SaSa”, a beauty products retailer:
https://www.scmp.com/lifestyle/fashion-beauty/article/2145513/hong-kong-business-success-story-how-asia-beauty-chain-sasa -
When the business mature, the Hong Kong company is the excellent vehicle to setup WOFE (Wholly-Owned Foreigner Enterprise) in China because Hong Kong is the only location that allows “China-Appointed Attesting Officers” to perform necessary corporate documents translation + notarization services to be accepted by China government authority
http://www.caao.org.hk/eng/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=70&Itemid=185 -
Not to forget, most of the Hongkongers are well equipped with both Mandarin + English to facilitate the liaison + communication to the China side and enable you a smooth step into China
A Shopping Cart for China Sourcing and Purchasing
Many of our customers are Buyers, Buying Office, China Sourcing Agents, E-Commerce owner (Shopify, Amazon, E-Bay … etc.) in their countries, where RMB(CNY) or USD is not the major currency they use, then, by means of Hong Kong company and its corporate account, they can easily swap the currency as required, or hedging that currency as well as an easier option to conduct the business activity;
Further that, by using the Hong Kong company, it is easier to obtain quote response from China Supplier instead of a company they cannot reach or have no idea about; simply feels more reliable and less risk of payment default because of Small Claims Tribunal is available;
Also, our customers shared that using Hong Kong in arrangement the shipment and logistics to their home country is easier and cheaper; it seems those freight forwarding agents are more willing to give a discount to China/Hong Kong customers
11) Catch the Investment Opportunities alongside China’s development
Hong Kong is remaining its Gateway Position for China opening economy
“Explainer: How important is Hong Kong to the rest of China?” By Reuters on 5 September 2019. -
Dominant Gateway to China for RMB internationalization and any offshore RMB businesses “Hong Kong as the Largest Offshore Renminbi Centre” By HKMA (Hong Kong Monetary Authority”
The development of the “Greater Bay Area” addressing in the different policy area, where Hong Kong is the top location for Company Set Up and Ideal Location for Businesses tap into this huge business potential in Mainland China

Where the Greater Bay Area has an ultimate vision as the second Silicon Valley as reported by BBC on 26 February 2019
(Source: https://www.bbc.com/news/business-47287387)

3 Greater Bay Area Projects That Will Massively Impact Property in coming years (Source: https://www.spacious.hk/en/blog/3-greater-bay-area-projects-will-massively-impact-property)

One-Belt-One-Road, or the Belt and Road Initiative, Hong Kong acts as the “Super Connector” and as the platform for financing in all sorts of investment opportunities alongside the developments and wide range of business mainly on
Transport and Logistics Infrastructure,
Agriculture and Rural Development,
Energy and Natural Resources,
Public Utilities,
Urban Development, and of course,
The Mega Trade Opportunities through the Economic Corridor
And herewith Investment Projects undergoing as released by HKTDC: https://beltandroad.hktdc.com/en/project-database

12) Investment Gateway and Headquarter of Asia Presence
Hong Kong is like the Gateway for Northern Part of Asia, such as China, Japan, S. Korea, Taiwan … etc., while Singapore is the Gateway for the Southern Part, such as Malaysia, Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam, Cambodia … etc., and overlapping the middle part of Asia with India, Myanmar, Thailand … etc.

As both Hong Kong and Singapore are both famous top choices for Asia Headquarter in the region, then the critical considerations for you to determine the final decision would be
Location of convenience. Flight time from one location to another for inspection, liaison works, business meeting … etc., 2-3 hours makes a significant difference, for example from HK to S. Korea – 3 hours 15 mins, Singapore to S. Korea – 6 hours 15 mins and that make HK a better headquarter for businesses involving S. Korea;
Culture Similarity. The culture of HK is closer to China, Taiwan, Japan, and S. Korean, because of the exchanging of TV drama shows, frequently traveling to each other cities for vacation, trading of daily consumer goods and food … etc., and it makes your staff in Hong Kong more likely to create a harmonious working atmosphere with other personnel in the region;
Tax, Government Incentives (Benefits) and Industry. Simplest is that the better benefits you can get in terms of setting up a holding company (headquarter) there, that’s the choice you should opt, and often this is related to the industries that contribute most GDP will give you a hint, and below you can tell that in setting up company in Hong Kong in relation to
Trading and logistics;
Financial services;
Professional and other producer services; and
These industries will get you the best government support, resources, incentives, tax benefits and thus, the optimum growth of your business
In general, Singapore in more welcoming businesses capturing the industrial bases with good resources to create your success there, for example, 3D printing, or Medicine R&D, Bitcoins … etc.
https://www.edb.gov.sg/en/news-and-events/insights/headquarters/singapores-industry-friendly-landscape.html -
Below with some highlighted weblinks of resources and supports provided by Hong Kong authorities
ASEAN Main Page by HKTDC consolidating all the important articles, research reports in relation ASEAN business opportunities
https://hkmb.hktdc.com/en/Location/ASEAN -
ASEAN Market Research Profile prepared by HKTDC
http://emerging-markets-research.hktdc.com/business-news/article/Asia/ASEAN-Market-Profile/mp/en/1/1X000000/1X09WKZD.htm -
Upcoming events by HKTDC in reaching the ASEAN markets
https://hkmb.hktdc.com/en/event -
Guide to ASEAN - Opportunities and Limitations in Manufacturing by Hong Kong Productivity Council
13) A Possible Solution for Economic Substance and Tax Haven Users
Through the efforts of OECD these years, most of the countries around the world have entered the Common Reporting System (CRS) in Automatic Exchange of Tax Information (AEOI) and sentenced the death of all popular Tax Havens jurisdictions
https://www.oecd.org/tax/automatic-exchange/crs-implementation-and-assistance/crs-by-jurisdiction/ -
In 2019, BVI and Cayman Islands have officially launched their respective “Economic Substance Law” requirements, making 100% pure equity holding company (unrelated to any profit tax implication) is the type that worthy and easier to maintain
In view of the simplicity of company set up procedure, together with the fitting tax scheme (NO Dividend Tax, NO Capital Gain Tax, Straight Forward Profit Tax Calculation … etc.), it is a variable option to shift your offshore company (BVI or Cayman Islands) to Hong Kong
Because of the complexity of the historical tax implication involved, you are recommended to consult your tax advisor before making the decision
14) Easy and Straight Forward Exit procedures
Normally it takes around 6-8 months to complete the Full Exit Process from having your Final Audited Report till the Completion of Deregistration, detail please see our blog post on “Deregistration”
Remember, you can withdraw all the money and close your Hong Kong corporate bank account upon received of the “No Objection Letter” from the Tax Department, as fast as 2-3 months upon your exit decision
You don’t need to worry the government authorities, banks, or any foreign currency control restricting you from remitting the huge amount of balance once-off back to your home country, or suddenly upholding a big lump sum for withholding tax or what so ever, rest assure that full and complete amount would be able to transfer out easily and straight forward
15) World-class infrastructure
Hong Kong ranked No.5 in Worlds Top Airport 2019, serves over 100 airlines operating flights to about 180 locations worldwide, including 44 destinations on the Chinese Mainland (Source: https://www.worldairportawards.com/worlds-top-100-airports-2019/)
Ranked the 7th busiest container port as per the World Shipping Council, tinny Hong Kong can be competing with the ports in the World Factory - China, and you can tell how efficient and effective the port logistics of Hong Kong;

If you are interested, you can check this HKTDC research report on the Logistics Industry in Hong Kong by HKTDC
(Source: https://hkmb.hktdc.com/en/1X0018WG/hktdc-research/Logistics-Industry-in-Hong-Kong) -
Besides the airport, the National High-Speed Rail Network covering all China has already commenced, and you can see from the map that Hong Kong is the starting point to connect throughout the whole China region

Hong Kong ranks #1 supported by its well-connected metro system, especially on people connection, linking workers, industries, businesses (Source: https://www.arcadis.com/en/global/our-perspectives/sustainable-cities-mobility-index-2017/comparing-cities/?tf=tab-people&sf=all&r=all&c=all)
IT Infrastructure in Hong Kong is also world-class, we are expecting to have 5G services rolled out and fully launched in Hong Kong in 2020 (Source: https://www.news.gov.hk/eng/2019/08/20190808/20190808_161305_888.html) where both Home Use Fiber-Optic (1,000MB) broadband and 4.5G mobile Internet Access are common in Hong Kong, which is an ideal environment for Digital Nomads in creating their business;
You can register almost all sort of domain name in Hong Kong as well (.com, .hk, .net, .org, .info., .travel, and even a China Domain .cn) (Source: https://www.udomain.com/en/register/index.php)
16) Free Port – for doing Trading business
The word “Free” is interpreting in two (2) different meanings
Free in terms of no (Zero) customs tariff (Duty-Free) on goods imported into Hong Kong, unless the goods in relation to Tobacco, Hydrocarbon Oil, Alcoholic Beverages and Methyl Alcohol;
Take special note that Wine (below 30% alcohol) actually duty-free when importing to Hong Kong, and “Everybody thought Hong Kong would become an export house for China. The outcome was better than anyone expected” extracted from the in-depth article by SCMP on “10 years after wine tax abolished, Hong Kong is Asia’s wine hub and the local scene is prospering” – published on 8 November 2018; -
Free in terms of the minimal controls in Hong Kong on imports, exports and re-exports activities. Most of the goods do not require any license, and all declaration, paper works could be completed online facilitating speedy logistics arrangement (Source: Doing Business and Investing in Hong Kong by Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office, London)
Of course, there are still controlled and prohibited goods that require a specific license, for example, Explosives, Weapons, Rough Diamonds, Animals and Plants, Radioactive Substances … etc.
https://www.customs.gov.hk/en/trade_facilitation/prohibited_articles/imports/index.html -
Many of the International Trading Company using Hong Kong as a Distribution Hub for their products from China Manufacturers (Suppliers) to the hand of multiple end customers, also, tailor-made for China Sourcing, Drop-shipping, and E-Commerce Business;
For more detail, here is the link to “Policy on Import and Export of Goods: A Quick Glance” by the Trade and Industry Department, Hong Kong
Disadvantages of doing Business in Hong Kong
If your business requires a physical shop or office in Hong Kong, this is better for you to calculate in detail the Cost of Operation before proceeding because the high rental might eat up all your profits;
Below with the two (2) sources on Cost of Living in Hong Kong where we checked reliable for your reference
Of course, as a local resident, we have our ways to lower the cost of living here in Hong Kong, and that’s why foreigner setting up a physical business in Hong Kong, it is advisable to contact with a local service provider for a more tips and recommendations
Corporate Bank Account Application takes more time
Since 2014, all banks in Hong Kong are required to follow the anti-money laundering (AML) and counter-terrorist financing (CTF) regime set up by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority
That means all bank account opening application MUST be submitted to a separate and independent Compliance Department within the bank for approval
And, resulting in a lengthy bank account opening process, where nowadays, 1-2 months process is required for an application with good preparation;
Definitely NOT Tax-Free, and NO MORE “Offshore Claim”
YES for tax benefits, tax incentives, and long-term tax treaties still highly attractive for foreigners, especially those doing China business;
In the previous time, because Hong Kong adopts a territorial source principle of taxation, if your business is carrying outside Hong Kong, you can apply for Offshore Claim and achieve zero (0) tax in Hong Kong, since 2018, Hong Kong has entered into the AEOI (Automatic Exchange of Financial Account Information), and CbC (Country-by-Country Reporting) for multinational enterprise group, and just in case your Hong Kong company paid zero (0) tax, likely your local tax authority will come to you for potential tax evasion matters;
Because of the low tax environment in Hong Kong, paying legitimate tax for your Hong Kong company is actually a better arrangement, where how to utilize the deductibles, and allowance is the new trending nowadays;
Privacy – Company Records are publicly available
Although you need to pay for a company record, and you need some company knowledge for comprehensive search, yes, if required, a company report could be extracted with information of Share Capital, Shareholders and Directors particulars;
The good thing is that accounting and financial data of a private company in Hong Kong are NOT publicly available for search unless this is a publicly listed company;
True 100% Limited Liability Company
Be careful, when dealing with any business partner in Hong Kong, please aware that the limited liability only to the Assets and Liabilities of that company, and not extend to the shareholder or ultimate beneficiary owner behind as soon as there is no fraudulent or any matter against the law;
And because the accounting data is unable to retrieve where there is no minimum share capital requirement for a particular business in Hong Kong, just in case you need to sign an important contract or agreement with your business partner in Hong Kong, legal or bank involvement for better contracting protection is recommended
Key Take-Away
Starting your business is an important decision, wise choose location for company set up means a huge difference in easy for start-up, profits ends in your pocket and most of all, the platform allowing you grow big and global, here below with some key take-away for you
To begin with, let's take a look of our Definitive Guide on Company Set Up in Hong Kong, you will receive all the essential information on the initial step of onboarding with a Hong Kong company;
Compare your local country, the main location(s) of business activities and Hong Kong, putting the pros and cons on the table and choose the best place that fit your business model most, where this article should give up a sound ground for comparison;
If you think Hong Kong is the best choice, try to
Keep and maintain a minimal physical presence in Hong Kong, for example, you, the Director and Shareholder stay in Hong Kong for management and control, while out-sourcing the works to elsewhere;
Let’s say you need to create your Traditional Chinese website, you can hire freelance or agent in Taiwan for the translation work while hiring an India website design house for the building work;
Dividend Tax is Zero in Hong Kong, but keep bearing in mind your home country tax obligation. Remember, Hong Kong company can perform multiple businesses at the same time without licensing requirement, that means even your Hong Kong company is a Trading Company, it can invest in the property market at your home country, or buying a nice Lamborghini for Director’s business use;
E-Commerce Business is a great business model that can utilize all the benefits that a Hong Kong company can bring, and you can tell that the world is more digitalize in terms of doing business, any new international business that can benefit from this e-trending should be a good business in utilizing Hong Kong as well
Thanks for your time reading this Definitive Guide, correct, this is what CatcherBiz focusing on, to enable you with true and comprehensive resources to allow you catching the best and right timing for your business in Hong Kong, know more about CatcherBiz and how we can help boost your business with a smooth start:
If you like this article, please share it on your Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and most of all, your friends that have the same ambition to start-up own business for Hong Kong, China, and Asia business opportunities. And be remembered to bookmark this page, so that you can use this as a reference in designing your business plan:- https://www.catcherbiz.com.hk/doing-business-in-hong-kong-2019
CatcherBiz is more than just a Registered Agent, Setting Up your Hong Kong company, we are the first reliable Business Partner once you decided to start your Business in Hong Kong;
CatcherBiz is the “Business Enabler”, engaging with us will allow you a shortcut to establishing your business, thus, saving your time and money;
What “Competitive Advantage” you will get is that your Questions will be answered, just like we provide answers in Quora;
Once your company has incorporated, we will guide you to develop your own “Road Map”, ob what you need to do in the coming year, and what, how, and when we can assist you along the path, such as registering your domain and website, registering your Alibaba or Amazon account, and your tentative schedule to set up your corporate bank account … etc.
If you need time to design your business plan, it is Okay, you can simply subscribe with us first, and remember, you can receive our Definitive Guide for FREE immediately, simply input your Name and Email Address and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Of course, if you have other inquiries, feel free to input them into the message box.
Useful Resources
Valued-added useful resources that best fit for your work plan in commencing your business in Hong Kong
2019 Remains in Top Ranks - Doing Business in Hong Kong
TOP THREE (3) reports from the Wall Street Journal, World Economic Forum, and World Bank Group Doing Business Ranking of Hong Kong and the relevant benefits
Protest in Hong Kong and US-China Trade War - Still OK to start a new business in Hong Kong?
A summary of the useful resources, news links, and our latest reviews on the effects of the US-China Trade War and the prolonged Protest in Hong Kong affecting your decision on Doing Business in Hong Kong as a foreigner.
What are the 2019 Hot Business Ideas to Start-up in Hong Kong
You will take away with several 2019 hot business ideas here in Hong Kong and the top benefits that a Hong Kong private limited company can distinctively benefit you in growing your business
List of Chamber of Commerce and Consulate General in Hong Kong
Always contact the Chamber of Commerce of your Home Country to obtain ALL the help and assistance you can get for making a smooth start in commencing your business in Hong Kong
Business Culture and Etiquette - Doing Business in Hong Kong
The Business Cultures and Etiquette on Doing Business in Hong Kong is like a mixed dish, difficult to tell it is Western Style or Fusion Chinese. In this blog post, we will show you some tips, and practices on how you should be doing business in Hong Kong without breaking a taboo
Arrangement of HSBC Bank Account Opening
You can learn the estimate time frame, basic required documents, workflow, and key elements about how to apply for a corporate bank account in Hong Kong
Catalogue of Industries for Guiding Foreign Investment (ENG) (2017 Revised Version)
If you want to use Hong Kong company as the investment vehicle for China Foreign Investment, this guide is essential for you to cross-check if such business is welcomed or restricted in China
What is your Country talking about Doing Business in Hong Kong?
Hesitate in choosing Hong Kong as your vehicle for commencing business and start your entrepreneur journey? How about checking below links from reputable authorities of your country and even checking with the authority to see if it give you a greater assurance?
Hong Kong
"Doing Business in Hong Kong" by the Government of the HKSAR
"Guide to Doing Business" in Hong Kong by HKTDC
YouTube Video of "Why Hong Kong is best for business" by InvestHK
Asia Countries
"Doing Business in Hong Kong" by the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office (Tokyo)
"Japan-Hong Kong Relations" by Consulate-General of Japan in Hong Kong
"Learn about Hong Kong Government Startup Support Policy and Promising Businesses" by Kotra
"Local Entry Information of Hong Kong" by Kotra
"Hong Kong Latest Market News" by Kotra
"HKTDC Seoul Office webpage for expanding needs of Korea companies" by HKTDC
"Why do business in Hong Kong" by The Singapore Chamber of Commerce (Hong Kong)
"Overview of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area" by Enterprise Singapore
"ASEAN - Hong Kong, China Free Trade Area (AHKFTA)" by Enterprise Singapore
"In 2018, Hong Kong was Singapore’s 5th largest trading partner and total bilateral trade amounted to S$70.6 billion. It is also our 4th largest cumulative investment destination." by The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is a ministry of the Government of Singapore
"Investing in HK - Hong Kong is an ideal platform for enterprises from Taiwan to enter the Mainland China and international markets" by Hong Kong Economic, Trade and Cultural Office (Taiwan) (HKETCO)
"主要國家投資環境 - 香港 Hong Kong" by 全球台商服務網
"國外 (含港澳地區) 投資" by 經濟部投資審議委員會
"貿協全球資訊網" by 中華民國對外貿易發展協會
"Australia-Hong Kong Relations" by Australian Consulate-General Hong Kong
"Export markets - Hong Kong Doing Business Current Situation" by Australian Trade and Investment Commission
"Advantages of doing business in Hong Kong" by Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office, Sydney
"The Hong Kong-Australia Free Trade Agreement: Highlights and Implications" by HKTDC
"Doing Business with HK" by Consulate General of India (Hong Kong)
"Protests not affecting trade with India" by Hong Kong Trade Development Council
New Zealand
"Exporting to Hong Kong - Market Guide" by New Zealand Trade & Enterprise
"Market Entry : Hong Kong" by New Zealand Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong
"Hong Kong’s Trade and Economic Relationship with New Zealand" by the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office, Sydney
"Living in Hong Kong" by New Zealand Foreign Affairs & Trade
"Hong Kong, China - New Zealand Closer Economic Partnership Agreement" by the Trade and Industry Department
Europe and Other Countries
United Kingdom (UK)
"Doing business in Hong Kong: Hong Kong trade and export guide" by Department for International Trade United Kingdom
“Trade links through Hong Kong remain strong and can be a good route for exporters.” Exporting to China by the Department for International Trade United Kingdom
"Business Angel Programme" organized by The British Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong
"Doing Business in Hong Kong and Macau Guide Book" by Institute of Export United Kingdom
"Doing Business and Investing in Hong Kong" by the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office, London
"Why Hong Kong?" by French Chamber Hong Kong
"How do I set up or expand my wine business in Hong Kong" by the Commerce and Economic Development Bureau
"HK welcomes Austrian businesses" by news.gov.hk
"Business is Hong Kong" by Austrian Consulate General Hong Kong
"Doing business in Hong Kong" by Netherlandsworldwide
"Interesting Free Reports on Hong Kong and China" by Netherlands Hong Kong Business Association
"Guide to Setting-up a Business in Hong Kong" by the Dutch Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong
"Going Global Access Asia Exporting to Hong Kong" by Enterprise Ireland
"Ireland Hong Kong Business Forum" by the Dublin Chamber
"A Guide to Doing Business in Hong Kong" by Enterprise Ireland
"Insights on Doing Business in Hong Kong Reports" by The Irish Chamber of Commerce of Hong Kong
"Gateway to China: Irish fintech players are hot in Hong Kong" by Siliconrepublic.com
"How To Set Up Business in Hong Kong" by the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office, Brussels
"Hong Kong provides a range of opportunities for Danish or Danish related companies doing business locally or in the region" by the Danish Chamber of Commerce Hong Kong
"BusinessFocus Hong Kong" by German Industry and Commerce Ltd.
"Germany is Hong Kong’s largest trading partner of the EU" by Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office, Berlin (This content also applicable to Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Switzerland)
"German Trade and Fair Organisations in Hong Kong" by German Consulate General Hong Kong
"BusinessFocus Hong Kong" by German Industry and Commerce Ltd.
"Export to Hong Kong – Practical Guidelines for the F&B Sector (Italian only)" by Italian Chamber of Commerce
"Why Hong Kong?" by The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation
"Doing business in Hong Kong" by the Consolato Generale d’Italia Hong Kong
"Getting Started in Hong Kong and Macau" by the U.S. Consulate General Hong Kong & Macau
"Doing Business in Hong Kong" by the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office, San Francisco
"Business, Trade and Investment" by the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in the United States
"U.S.-China Trade Updates" by The American Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong
"Why Hong Kong?" by the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office (Toronto)
"Doing Business in Hong Kong" by the Hong Kong-Canada Business Association (HKCBA)
"Trade Commissioner Service - Hong Kong, SAR" by The Canadian Trade Commissioner Service
"Why Canadians should consider doing business in Hong Kong" by TradeReady (supported by the Forum for International Trade Training (FITT))
"Canadian Technology Accelerator Hong Kong" by the Government of Canada